Occasionally you may encounter situations in your life that affect your learning environment. When these situations arise, counseling is available to provide short-term assistance, and in some cases, referral to community resources for long-term help.
Local Mental Health Services
Talk with a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
Meeting individually with a licensed professional counselor in a private setting can help you to clarify thoughts and feelings, develop problem-solving skills and coping strategies, and to construct a plan for the future.
The Student Health Clinic provides free confidential counseling services with a licensed mental health practitioner. Insurance will not be billed for counseling services.
Our counselor is available to help you with:
- Stress management
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Suicidal thoughts
- Personal/social problems
- Family problems
- Relationship issues
- Eating disorders
- Concerns with domestic violence or abuse
- Sexual harassment or rape
- Post traumatic stress disorder
- Substance abuse counseling with referral available
- Test anxiety
- Anger
- Personal struggles with self-worth, self-acceptance, etc.
- Homesickness
- Life transitions
Please contact the Student Health Clinic to schedule an appointment.